Got the night before wedding jitters? We don't blame you. Night before (and day before) wedding nervousness is par for the course. Channel all that energy into completing these 9 things to do the night before your wedding day and you'll give yourself peace of mind and a good foundation for the big day itself!
Things to Do the Night Before Your Wedding
1. Eat a healthy meal.
They are high in vegetables and seafood and low in red meat. Many studies have been done on the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. This diet has lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and olive oil. The diet has moderate amounts of fish and poultry. Get more fresh on your wedding day.
2. Pack a bag or clutch of personal items.
Put together your reception clutch and your post-reception bag and hand it off to your wedding point person, who can help make sure it's waiting for you in the bridal suite or in your room.
3. Drink a lot of water.
Keep a cold glass of water nearby and make sure you spend some quality time with it. This will help you avoid any dehydration that stresses and running around can often cause.
4. Get a good night's sleep.
Or at least try to tuck yourself underneath those covers at a decent hour.
5. Turn your phone on silent.
Say goodbye to checking Facebook and answering frantic text messages. Turn your chunky device on silent or hand it over to your maid-of-honour.
6. Put any bags to bring to the ceremony or reception in the car.
Pack the car with all the items you'll need for your wedding day so that you can wake up in the morning and not have to worry about doing any heavy lifting before getting out of the door.
7. Assign someone to be your morning-after person.
This person's role will be to collect all the gifts at the end of the wedding and do one final sweep of the venue when the party is over to make sure you didn't leave anything behind.
8. Make sure the shoe fits.
Even better, make sure you practice walking a straight line in them. After that, turn the volume up on your favourite song and bust out some dance moves. This will help you not only relieve some stress, but it'll make you see your threshold for when your shoes are going to start throwing a temper tantrum on your feet.
9. Keep up with your nightly beauty rituals.
Lather on the moisturizer, apply a face mask, stick on the whitening strips...Whatever fits into your pre-wedding beauty routine, and remember to follow through with it. This is your last chance to reap the benefits of everything you've been doing to look your best on your big day.
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